Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Quadrant - Dub EP

Last night, Thomas came home from getting high with some guy. He sat down, ate a bowl of Grapenuts and then demanded that I put on Quadrant's Dub EP for like 5 minutes before I actually did it. I was consumed in my reading of Ghetto Bassquake (but more on that later). So we turned the lights out and got into bed (him on the top bunk, me on the bottom) and listened to techno for like an hour and a half before falling asleep. I was trying not to talk about Basic Channel for the first couple of weeks into my blog, but I just can't do it. This music makes me so emotional for some reason. It's so complex. Do yourself a favor when you listen to it: Do something dramatic. Lay on the dirty tile floor next to your subwoofer or something. Or do like I did, lay in bed with the lights off even. It doesn't matter. As long as you cede your mind to the music. If you do it right, your consciousness should be divided almost into thirds. One third of you will be really into the music and recognizing every fluctuation and groove change and how mathematical your perceptions of music are. For instance, a change in a bass hit that lasts fractions of a second can totally alter a beat's groove, where it's going in the song, et cetera. The second third of you should just be thinking about things in your life, even if on a superficial level. The music is really introspective while still being dance music and therefore really outwardly expressive. Think about life. Thirdly, just be dormant. Leave that part of your consciousness to sleep, so you'll be kind of dozing off, but your brain will still be really active. It's the best feeling ever, I swear. And maybe you might appreciate minimal techno as much as I do. Maybe.

Quadrant - Dub i (Side A1)
Quadrant - Dub ii (Side B1)

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